Race Point

Business Accounts and Services


  • Business Checking There are no charges for deposits, withdrawals, per check or per item deposited with this Business Checking Account. Maintain an average daily balance of $2,500. and the $8. monthly service charge is waived.
  • Business NOW This account, specifically designed for sole proprietors, non-profits and government entities, has the same features as Business Checking, plus it allows you to earn interest on average balances of $1,000. or more. For accounts with an average daily balance of $2,500. or more, the $8. monthly maintenance fee is waived.

TRI Merchent Services

Let us help you lower your credit card processing rate.

Submit your credit card statement to any Seamen’s Bank Branch Manager or Customer Service Representative for review.

Additional Services for Businesses

  • Business Mastercard Keep your business spending separate from your personal and enjoy the benefits of no annual fees, employee cards at no extra cost, comprehensive reporting, zero fraud liability and much more.
  • TRI Merchant Services This service allows businesses to process Mastercard®, VISA®, Discover® and American Express® transactions. Equipment costs are minimal and there is a competitive discount rate based upon average ticket and sales volume.


  • Statement Savings Account This account gives you the convenience of monthly statements and pays interest while letting you make unlimited deposits. There is no monthly fee and no minimum balance.
  • Certificates of Deposit These term accounts earn a higher rate of interest and are available in maturities from three months to four years. These accounts provide a guaranteed rate of interest for a specific period of time. There are minimum balance requirements for these accounts.

Money Market

Our Money Market Checking Account has a tiered rate structure that provide options to support your financial needs. You have access to your money at any time. Maintain an average daily balance of $2500. and the monthly service charge of $5 is waived.

ATM and Debit Cards

The ATM Card provides convenient 24-hour banking service at ATMs around the world. The Debit Card can be used everywhere that VISA® is accepted and is free with a Checking or Savings Account. Some restrictions may apply.

Internet Banking

Enroll at seamensbank.com and you will be able to view activity on all of your deposit and loan accounts, see copies of your checks, download a list of transactions to Microsoft Money,® Quickbooks,® or Quicken,® transfer funds from one account to another (transfer agreement required), pay bills, order checks from Check Printing Solutions® and receive e-mails with information that matters to you.

Enrollment is easy. Just have your most recent Seamen’s Bank checking or savings account(s) statement handy. For Personal Internet Banking customer service, please call 866.873.9576. For Business Internet Banking enrollment, please contact any of our branch offices.

Safe Deposit Box

Safety Deposit Boxes are available at our Commercial Street, Eastham, Wellfleet, and Truro offices.

Important Notice
The contents of your safe deposit box are not insured against loss by the FDIC, DIF, any government agency or Seamen’s Bank.

Copyright © 2024
Seamen's Bank
NMLS ID# 419878
Routing# 211373461

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